I was married by justice of peace to a non Jewish man who later converted with the Beis Din. we did not have a jewish marriage after and we plan to divorce now do i need to get a get if i remarry?

There are two answers to your question:

1. If the conversion is not recognized by an Orthodox Rabbinical court, then you do not need a get, since the husband is not considered to have been married to you according to Orthodoxy. In principle if the conversion was through an Orthodox rabbi or Rabbinical Court but you did not have an Orthodox marriage following the conversion then you would not need a get.

2. On the other hand there is a possibility that after an Orthodox conversion you lived together as husband and wife, despite not having a formal "chuppah", you are considered married in an Orthodox manner.

Therefore I advise you to turn to an Orthodox rabbi and show him all the details of the conversion and life together following the conversion. Another point to tell him is if the first husband is available and willing to give you a get, even by proxy if he does not live in your vicinity. After hearing all these details the Orthodox rabbi will be able to help you in a way that will protect your personal status and that of any future children.